Michelle Obama criticized Trump, saying the presidency was a “dubious job.”
August 21, 2024 2024-08-21 5:53Michelle Obama criticized Trump, saying the presidency was a “dubious job.”
Michelle Obama criticized Trump, saying the presidency was a “dubious job.”
Introduction: Michelle Obama
Donald J. The former first lady stunned a
packed house Tuesday night with one of Trump’s
most dramatic defeats at the Democratic National Convention.

Former first lady and one of the most popular figures
in the Democratic Party, Michelle Obama,
met with former President Donald J. Trump and
made one of the harshest comments about the
Democratic National Convention. Him: “Who wants
to tell him that the job he’s looking for now
might be one of those ‘dirty jobs’ he said?
A fearless activist, Mrs. Obama wowed a sold-out
crowd in Chicago with a convention speech that
added weight to Vice President Kamala Harris’
presidential campaign. She is a woman. Harris
offered support and praise, but devoted most of
his 20-minute speech to Trump, ridiculing his past
comments, background and behavior and largely
avoiding calling him names.
Although her husband is considered
Although her husband is considered one of the
party’s greatest orators, Mrs. Obama also has her own
rhetorical talents. Few speakers at the conference
were able to interact with the thousands of
people at the United Center like he did. “So
if they lie about him, we have to do something,”
he told Harris about possible Republican attacks.
When he finished, the crowd repeated the last part.
Mrs. Obama coined the famous phrase the party
used during the 2016 campaign: “When
they fall, we rise,” she said eight years ago
at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.
On Tuesday night, he provided an update of
sorts: “Downsizing is never an option,” he said.
“Small isn’t enough, it’s unhealthy, and frankly, it’s not presidential.”
He warned that the upcoming elections were getting
closer and called on his party to continue fighting in the coming days. “Instead of doing everything we can to elect someone like Kamal, we can’t afford to worry about this country electing someone like Kamal,” Mrs. Obama said.
A few minutes later, her husband took the stage and called himself “the only talking idiot since Michelle Obama.”